The instructions is not to RANT over it or to WORRY over it or to TELL someone about it..the instruction is to PRAY without CEASING :1 THESS 5:16-18 Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances ; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you..Many of us have been so scarred by life that
We put up certain checkpoints in the heart, vowing never again to let life hurt us..These checkpoints are fear-based & man-centered protective measures..Well the instruction is simple, but perhaps a bit perplexing..
Come to think of it ,Is this command even realistic? If so, what does it mean to “rejoice always?” listen this FAITH walk is a CONVICTION and NOT a multiple choice option..It is not anchored in what is happening to you. But It is anchored in what happened for you..

The joy is not that things are going okay right now. The joy is that things shall be okay because your conviction tells you that God is ALWAYS fighting for ME! don’t anchor your joy in situations.. anchor your joy in what the character of God is..IF you have a problem with that conviction in the first place – it shall be very very hard for you to STAND..Now iam not trying to shame you if your struggling right now to live in this joy..or you are clouded by dobt..I have seasons in my own life when it seems next to impossible to muster any faith..I mean two letters from some auctioneers ,a broken family ,the allure of the world ,a silent reccuring battle with depression , I know many of you are in this TOUGH place..the instruction is to PRAY WITHOUT CEASING tell me ‘Teamd2d ‘iam tired of praying NO words can come out of my mouth ,listen i honestly belive that God is alive to your needs & your reality..This instruction describes an action & an pray is to always be in a posture of leaning in to the reality of the nearness of God.PRAYER recognizes God is aware of what we’re thinking & experiencing. PRAYER is not a negotiation with God, but rather a surrendering to His will. Sometimes God gives us what we ask for. Sometimes he doesn’t..lPRAYER is not something we do in order to get a response! No..its not.

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