The other day, on the way to bury a friend’s child, I came face to face with the paradox of life or let me call it a celebration of life . The car carrying the expectant mother sped off the hospital, the hearse carrying the casket gave way & and the convoy carrying the lovely bride and groom stood to let the funeral procession pass – it’s becoming apparent that life happens, life does not stop or start with your celebration.

 Standing amidst the hundreds of graves, I could not help but imagine how many dreams & lofty ambitions lay there in the never coming tomorrow. There is no tomorrow! Tomorrow does not exist. And everything you have planned for yourself will not happen if you put it in this box labeled “tomorrow”. It’s always about today. Today, you will make a change. We live as if we have the diary of life we hold on to things that will not matter if tomorrow never comes, and we give up on things that are there today. We don’t seek to fight for today. We assume that we shall have the strength tomorrow. You’ve gotta dance like there’s nobody watching, Love like you’ll never be hurt, sing like there’s nobody listening, and live like it’s heaven on earth.

 Read this somewhere “Most people are living in two forms. Learning and planning. They forget living. Learning happens in the past. It’s history. Planning happiness in the future. It’s management. And living happens in now, it’s life.”  I know that you’re overthinking about this article & about the future, and the worst thing is, it won’t happen as you envisioned. No matter how you analyze this point, it ends with one thing — just plan for the day and live with it. 

Tomorrow, plan for that day and live with that too – you are putting away your bird in hand hoping for two in the bush. The newborn baby does not have a plan for tomorrow, and neither does the body in the casket. You only have today to make every day your optimistic wedding day with each & everything that you want to do – you only have today to work with.Whatever has happened to you in your past has no power over this present moment, because life is now. “



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